Where to buy
Where to buy our Parmigiano-Reggiano DOP

Do you want to buy quality Parmigiano-Reggiano DOP direct from the source? Come pay us a visit!
In addition to the King of Cheeses, available in different sizes and maturity levels, you can buy many other traditional Parma products, such as prosciutto, salami, coppa, butter and much more.
Alternatively, you can also find our products at the following shops:
In addition to the King of Cheeses, available in different sizes and maturity levels, you can buy many other traditional Parma products, such as prosciutto, salami, coppa, butter and much more.
Alternatively, you can also find our products at the following shops:

Point Of Sale
Via Arturo Toscanini, 3 | Mulazzano Ponte - Lesignano De' Bagni - (PR)
Tel: 0521 857193 - Mail: info@saliceto.com
Opening Times:
All days (including holidays) from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Tel: 0521 857193 - Mail: info@saliceto.com
Opening Times:
All days (including holidays) from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Or in our stands in the morning at:
• Langhirano - Monday: weekly market